Sarah's statement on Scott Hall suspending his campaign
Click here to view Sarah's recent statement on Scott Hall's announcement that he is suspending his campaign for District 90 School Board.
About SarahSarah was raised in River Forest and attended Willard and Roosevelt. She returned and reinvested in her community, in large part because of the excellent schools. As a nurse, Sarah has been on the frontlines helping people get vaccinated for protection against COVID-19. She knows firsthand the struggles we have gone through, and can help guide a well-informed path forward. Sarah is also a mom to three young kids who are just starting their journey through the District 90 system, and she is passionate about making their, and their classmates’ education as fulfilling as possible. You can learn more about Sarah by clicking here, or through the About tab in the menu bar.
PoliciesDistrict 90 has a rich history of excellent education, but there is always room for improvement. As a school board member, Sarah will listen to the community and make decisions with the goals of empathy, equity, and educational excellence in mind. We need to move forward toward progress and not backward, and we need to work together. When students are the priority, the district can truly thrive. To find out more about the values that Sarah will follow if elected, click here, or click on the Policies tab in the menu bar.
ContactSarah is invested in the community, and wants to know what is important to you! Please reach out with any concerns or comments, either by clicking here, or through the Contact tab in the menu bar.
How to Vote:
Election Day: April 6, 2021
There are three different ways for you to vote in the upcoming election. To view a more set of guidelines on the Cook County website, click here.
Vote Early:
Early voting is available at all Cook County Early Voting Locations from March 22-April 5. If you are not registered to vote, you can do so at any early voting location, when you vote. To find out more information about early voting in the upcoming election, click here.
Vote by Mail:
Applications are open to request a mail ballot for the upcoming election. You can request a mail ballot either through the online application, or by printing and mailing in a paper request. Mail ballots must be postmarked by April 6, 2021, and received by April 20, 2021 to be counted. To find out more information about voting by mail in the upcoming election, click here.